Jan 8, 2016

Top 10 Series I Want to Start This Year

The moment I thought of making this list, I wanted to hit myself on the head with all of the books sitting unread on my shelf, but I can't help it! Like I said before, I self-harm with books, and God knows I have so little time as it is. Anyway, let's see which of these I get to read by year's end!

So far, I've only seen one negative review for Red Queen, so my expectations are high despite the fact that the plot seems like something that's about to be overdone in YA fantasy, and it's going to be up to the writing to set this apart.

Since finishing the Fairwick Chronicles two years ago, I don't think I've had the chance to read Adult paranormal romance, so I think reading A Discovery of Witches would be a good place to continue because it is another series I've heard nothing but great things about. Not to mention it sounds more action-packed.

I was supposed to introduce myself to the works of V.E. Schwab with The Archived, but then A Darker Shade of Magic came out and it sounds even better *_* Another series I've heard nothing but raves for.

Despite not being able to finish Jellicoe Road (I'm not sure why, either), the Lumatere Chronicles made it to this list because a lot of people have said that it's a modern YA classic. And I always need more YA high fantasy, so.

I bought the cute little box set with these covers ages ago but until now I haven't made any progress, which sucks because I loved the Narnia movies and I just know the books are even better.

One bad review for The Queen of the Tearling was all it took for me to ignore these books until now. I mean, Harry Potter references in what sounded like a high fantasy book? You could hear my eye roll from miles away. But since I've read more reviews, I totally want to give it a shot now.

I would just like to come clean now: I want to read this because I really like Pierce Brown's face. There, I said it. But it sure helps that all my friends are raving about how good the books are.

This series I want to read because time travel + it has a movie! Also, look at those covers *drools*

I had my doubts about these books because the first one was, prior to its release, compared to Harry Potter. Now, I haven't read anything since saying that this is similar to HP, but it's also lived up to the hype, from what I can tell.

And last but definitely not the least, The Winner's Trilogy! I admit that I only became interested in the first book because of its ridiculously beautiful cover, but my friends tell me the book itself is even better, so there.

Have you read any of these series? Or do you have any other titles that you think I should add on my TBR list? Share it with me in the comments below! :D


  1. I want to start reading the same series too (among others). They all have good reviews. :)

    I hope you'll get to them soon. Happy reading! :)

  2. The All Souls Trilogy is a fantastic series but I wasn't a big fan of the last book, The Book of Life. I have a review somewhere on my blog if you want to check it out. Still though, I highly recommend it especially A Discovery of Witches.

    I started Red Queen and The Winner's Trilogy last year and I really loved them! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on them.

    Happy reading! :)


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