Nov 25, 2013

Multimedia Monday {9}

'Multimedia Monday' is a feature that I created to share with y'all the movies or TV shows that I recently watched or music that I've been listening to—because a great library won't be complete without a multimedia section ;D

HOLY SHIZZ I HAD NO IDEA THIS MOVIE WAS REALLY AWESOME *_____* The Jaegers moved slower than I'm accustomed to when it comes to mecha (uhh, Gundam and Transformers, anyone?) but whatever, they're still cool. The neuro-link thingy was also really cool, and, well, Charlie Hunnam certainly wasn't bad to look at. And yay for a complex kickass female character! This isn't a movie to be watched with people who can't shut up/have a short attention span, though, e.g. my sisters. :|

RECOMMENDED READING: Midnight City by J. Barton Mitchell - The movie and the book have two major things in common: aliens and robots.

I can't believe I waited this long to watch Iron Man! I've seen bits and pieces of the movies over the years but never really bothered to watch any of them in their entirety - until now - which means I was clueless about the whole kidnapping-and-killer-shrapnel business. I thought Tony Stark was just a bored, genius billionaire who thought to make a suit and be a superhero. Seriously. Anyway, Robert Downey Jr. did a flawless job of portraying this character, pulling off 'smart asshole' like he really is one. (Is he? Lol.)

I have Eunice from Compelled by Books to thank for this one. If I had to describe this movie with one word, it would be 'dreamy'. Dreamy locations, dreamy characters, dreamy story, dreamy script - just, wow. I had major wanderlust when I finished watching it. And there are sequels! Better get on those soon.

RECOMMENDED READING: I'm not entirely sure about this one because I haven't read the book yet, but Just One Day by Gayle Forman? The stories of the two sound eerily similar.

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