Title: Confessions of an Angry Girl (Confessions #1)
Author: Louise Rozett
Release Date: January 4th 2012
Publisher: MiraINK
Source: NetGalley
Rose Zarelli, self-proclaimed word geek and angry girl, has some CONFESSIONS to make...
#1: I’m livid all the time. Why? My dad died. My mom barely talks. My brother abandoned us. I think I’m allowed to be irate, don’t you?
#2: I make people furious regularly. Want an example? I kissed gorgeous Jamie Forta, boyfriend of the coolest cheerleader in the school. Now she’s out for blood. Mine.
#3: But most of all high school might as well be Mars. My best friend has been replaced by an alien…and now it’s a case of survival of the coolest.
I read a book, I want to like it. I almost always do, but sometimes, I don’t
even try to finish them. Confessions of
an Angry Girl was the rare inbetween.
were a lot of reasons why I didn’t enjoy this as much as I wanted to. First, I didn't like Rose as a character. Aside from that moment when she finally burst, I never thought she was angry (like the title says)—just whiny. I hate it when people complain, but I hate it even more when that's all they do. Also, she kept blaming other people her age for being so childish, when I didn't feel that she was mature enough to even try to handle them. Lastly, I hated her lack of a backbone. If I were her, I wouldn't care if I was up against the meanest cheerleader in the universe; I'd show her what she's up against.
Then there
was also the plot that had very little going on. I couldn’t identify the real
climax, and in the end, it seemed like the story didn’t progress at all—just
like the underdeveloped romance, which had so much potential because of bad-boy Jamie Forta.
I appreciated how the author tackled topics like sex, contraceptives, and even gynecology—which was quite TMI, to be honest, and now I'm dreading even the thought of having to go there in, like, ten years—but isn't fourteen too young to be thinking about those stuff? Or am I just experiencing cultural differences?
I appreciated how the author tackled topics like sex, contraceptives, and even gynecology—which was quite TMI, to be honest, and now I'm dreading even the thought of having to go there in, like, ten years—but isn't fourteen too young to be thinking about those stuff? Or am I just experiencing cultural differences?
Anyway, the
ending left much questions unanswered for the sequel, but I doubt I’ll be
checking that out—though I do love the title: Confessions of an Almost-Girlfriend.
MY FAVORITE PART was when Rose finally showed her anger.