Apr 11, 2014

Artsy Librarian {1}

Artsy Librarian is a new-ish feature of mine because it is a mixture of Storyboard and Mark That Book! plus whatever artsy, bookish stuff I manage to think of in the future. But for now, my latest foray into the 'arts' is a wallpaper! I dug through some of the quotes I wrote down last year onto my handy dandy notebook and found one that I just love.

1280 x 800 (I had no idea in which other size/s to make it in so I used my local screen resolution lol)
The Quote: 
I want it to always be like this. Cars in ditches and tickling and kissing in the weeds because we can't help ourselves.
I never want us to be able to help ourselves.
A Deeper Look: My review!
I went crazy with patterns and textures - as always - and I downloaded 166MB's worth of vehicle brushes just for that car. Fun times. Also, I need more pretty fonts! >_<

What do you guys think? If you want to get it in another resolution, just leave it in the comments and I'll get back to you ASAP! (If anyone aside from me would even want to use this! Self-support to the next level haha!)


  1. Awwww, this looks so cute! Can't wait to see more of your other posts in this feature. :)

  2. I was so confused when I saw your blog feature in my RSS reader! I started a feature at the beginning of the year called "That Artsy Librarian" (to go with my blog's title, That Artsy Reader Girl), and I was like... "I didn't post today..." It's kind of sad they are basically the same title, though. Hope nobody gets confused!

    1. I do like your idea a lot, though. :)

    2. Hi Jana! OMG I'm so sorry; I wasn't aware of your feature and it was silly of me to not have Google-d the title before I used it >_< I used it to go with my blog title, too, but I'll change it in my next feature post to avoid any confusion. Sorry again!


I love reading your comments so post away! <3

Also, I appreciate the thought but this is now an award- and tag-free zone :D